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Beats and Boards

Beats and Boards

Collections: Activities & Games , August Guide , Daytime Parties & Nightlife , Live Events , Museums & Art Exhibitions , Music & Concert , South London , Southbank, Waterloo & Elephant & Castle

South Bank, South London | The Corner at Tate Modern | Free Entry

Instagram Info Walk-In
Vibe: Eclectic, Entertaining, Immersive

Haseeb Iqbal, the versatile broadcaster, DJ, and writer, introduces an exhilarating midweek residency at The Corner

In this unique space, Iqbal seamlessly blends board games, music, themed nights, and live performances, creating an environment where a diverse range of interests converge. As the curator of the evenings, he will provide a captivating soundtrack by delving into the depths of his record collection. Simultaneously, attendees can engage in a variety of board games, including classics like Scrabble, Ludo, and Chess, as well as culturally rich games like the Ghanian Oware and the South Asian Carrom. This promises to be a night that captivates and stimulates all the senses.

Address: The Corner at Tate Modern, Bankside, London SE1 9TG | Get Directions
Telephone: +44 20 7887 8888


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