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Covent Garden

La Bohème

La Bohème

Collections: Central London , Cinema & Theatre , Covent Garden & Holborn , December Guide , Music & Concert , Opera , Royal Opera House

Covent Garden, Central London | Opera | £1-£270

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13 December 2024–17 January 2025

Address: Royal Opera House, Bow St, Covent Garden, London WC2E 9DD | Get Directions
Telephone: +44 20 7304 4000

Return for a Christmas treat or experience your first opera with Puccini’s famous love story.


It's Christmas Eve and a dusting of snow settles on the streets of Paris.  

When Rodolfo, a penniless poet, meets Mimì, a seamstress, they fall instantly in love. Rodolfo introduces Mimì to his bohemian friends Marcello, Colline and Schaunard, and the group heads to Café Momus, where Marcello reunites with his ex-girlfriend Musetta. But the happiness of the friends – and of budding romance – is threatened when Rodolfo learns that Mimì is gravely ill. Can the warmth of friendship – and of young love – sustain the group of bohemians through the hardships of a cold winter?  


With its Christmas setting, tender exploration of first love and both humorous and heartbreaking celebration of friendship, La bohème captivates audiences time and time again, making it the perfect choice for your first visit to the opera.  

Principal Guest Conductor Designate Speranza Scappucci leads her first Covent Garden stage production. Richard Jones’ beloved staging returns, starring Olga Kulchynska as Mimì, Pene Pati and Stefan Pop as Rodolfo, Mikhail Timoshenko as Marcello and Amina Edris and Simona Mihai as Musetta. 

Puccini’s much-loved La bohème 

La bohème received its world premiere at Turin’s Teatro Regio in 1896 and its Covent Garden debut the following year. Composer Giacomo Puccini was inspired by Henri Murger’s 1851 episodic novel, Scènes de la vie de bohème (‘Scenes of the bohemian life’). The libretto was written by playwright Luigi Illica and poet Giuseppe Giacosa. It is currently one of the best-loved operas worldwide, and the opera most performed at the Royal Opera House. 

A timeless love story  

With its soaring love duets, intimate arias and spectacular chorus scenes, Puccini’s timeless Parisian tale has enduring appeal to audiences throughout the ages. Puccini’s beautiful score includes highlights such as ‘Sì, mi chiamano Mimì’ (Yes, they call me Mimì) and ‘Quando m’en vo’ (When I go along), Puccini himself wept at the music of the poignant final scenes.

Join us for our exclusive Insights: Puccini 100 which brings together a panel of experts to discuss the music and legacy of the ever-popular composer.


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